Jun 11/24
4:13 pm

HiVoltage 94





                         Hi Voltage                           

Whoo Rah!

Who are we?

Hi Voltage!

Who are we?

Hi Voltage!

How do we play?

As a TEAM!

Ho do we play?

As a TEAM!

1 - 2 - 3 -- Hi Voltage!

We are the black and we are the gold.

We play well, weather hot or cold.

You might not have known, but now you've been told.

We play with heart and we play bold.

Yes, we play with heart and we play bold.

(pause) 2, 3, 4, Hi Voltage.

(pause) 2, 3, 4, Hi Voltage.

If Coach Mike and Dave just are not enough,

We've got Coach Stevo and his round off.

And when it comes time to get a run in,

We play as a team to get a team win.

'Cause that's who we are and that's how we play.

We play as a team 'cause that's the best way.

Yes, we play as a team 'cause that's the best way.

Hi Voltage!



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