Jun 14/24
2:35 pm

Richmond Redhawks





This page will be used to display various articles I have found on baseball. You will have to scroll through the page to get to the earlier ones.

Baseball’s Unwritten Rules ·

NEVER mention a no-hitter while it is in progress · NEVER steal or Hit & Run when you are up big · NEVER have a hitter look back at the Catcher's signals while in the box · NEVER watch the ball go out of the yard when you hit it (especially little guys) · NEBER do anything that shows up the other team's or pitcher · Never put the tying or go ahead run on base · Never Hit & Run on an 0-2 count · NEVER play the infield in, early in the game · NEVER make the first or Third out at Third base · NEVER bunt for a base hit when you need a sacrifice · NEVER give up a home Run on an 0-2 count · NEVER squeeze bunt to mercy rule an opponent · NEVER let the score influence the way you manage. · NEVER give an intentional walk if first base is occupied. · ALWAYS take a strike when your team is behind · PLAY for the tie at home, play for the win on the road · IN run down situations, run the runner back to the base he already occupied. · IF you play for one run, that is all you will get · HIT behind the runner on first base · WITH a right-hander on the mound, don't walk a right-handed hitter to pitch to a left-handed hitter. · HIT behind the runner on first base · HIT the ball where it's pitched. · DON'T use your stopper in a tie game - only when you're ahead.

How to Make The Team

1. Make sure that you have good grades -- Coaches do check grades 2. Hustle 3. Be in full uniform and wear it with pride (never wear your hat backwards!!) 4. Wear the same uni every day (mom will wash it each night, I'm sure), to make it easier for coaches to remember you. 5. Be there early & warm up, stretch, etc. extremely well. Take a jog. 6. If possible, warm up with an upperclassman friend. 7. Keep those grades up!! 8. Hustle 9. Don't stand around cutting up with the other freshman. 10. Hustle, every where every time. 11. Respond to the coaches with respect. Use yes sir and no sir. 12. Do not respond to instruction with "I know". If you knew why didn't you do it right the first time? 13. Help without being asked (e.g., moving a screen, ball bucket, etc.). 14. If the gun comes out during IF or OF drills, throw hard - going for speed over accuracy. 15. Are you keeping your grades up? 16. Hustle 17. If you pitch just to a catcher (no batter), don't try to clip the corners (not throwing everything right down the middle, of course). Better that the nothing gets by the catcher. And keep everything low. It can be extremely effective to go upstairs to a batter, but it won't look good in a pen (to most observers). 18. Don't go nuts trying to make a play & risk throwing a ball away. E.g., you are playing second, gets late or bad feed from SS & has only 0.1% chance of getting out at first - don't make the throw or take the normal time to make a safe throw. 19. Don't make excuses! 20. If the team runs, be at the head of the pack. 21. Be accurate in warmup throws. 22. Think! 23. Hustle 24. Do not be afraid to get dirty. Laying out for balls and sliding impresses coaches. 25. Listen carefully & follow instructions. Ask if not clear. 26. Exude confidence (not cockiness) in how you carry yourself. 27. Don't swing at anything that is not a strike, regardless of how many pitches you have to take or who throws them. 28. If a ball gets by you, go after it like mad. 29. Hustle 30. Don’t show any emotion, no matter what happens. 31. Take great care of your equipment. Hang your bag or put it neatly away do not leave your stuff laying around. 32. You have two ears and 1 mouth - use them in that proportion. 33. When the coach is talking, you are not... and look at him - he will notice who is paying attention. 34. Did I Mention Hustle


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