Jun 13/24
11:13 pm





Team Ticker:
  • stike zone now in focus :)
  • trust and confidence is key!!
  • let's hear you roar inferno'z!!
  • Why Not Us ?!!!
  • Districts in Sight !!
Countdown to districts
(Jun 13/09)

What a season it has been for the Inferno'z!!


Once the rain finally stopped the Inferno'z fire raged through the season.The Sunnyside Tournament proved the Inferno'z hard practice was paying off. Smart plays made all the games exciting. Very few errors made it clear that this team was ready for some serious competition. In regular season games the Inferno'z remain Undefeated !! Practices have been held twice a week with the exception of Mother's Day which still brought 5 teammates to Coach Mona's Pitching Clinic. Rarely did practices consist of less than 9 players. The commitment shown is to be commended by both players and parents.


 Yes! This team is Stacked! Stacked with enthusiasm! Stacked with dedication!! 


It is with that enthusiasm and dedication that the Inferno'z have earned their way to the Districts!! Some of the players have had the honor of going to Districts before as Jaguars with Coach Merv at the reins in 2008. Undoubtably the fond memories shared in those playoffs will remain in their hearts forever. This year Districts will be hosted in Abbotsford. The Inferno'z welcome the talented competion and challenges ahead and are ready for whatever the weekend brings. 


One pitch at a time,

One catch at a time,

One play at a time...


The Inferno'z Think Yes! Yes! YES !!!


Good Luck Team !! :) 


Rain, Rain Go Away !! We wanna PLAY ball !!



Game Report Mon. May 4th

It was a damp game this Monday, yet both teams fought the cold and wet without complaint!! Another stellar performance from all the Inferno'z. Their hard work in practices is paying off. Ribby's were scored by Katelyn, Erika and Ashley. Ashley's new nickname "Smashley" is now well earned with her exceptional homerun hit. Erika and Ashley looked sharp at the mound and Em was on fire behind the plate creating 2 outs on third !! Base runners were paying attention to the signals. A few attempts to bunt were made. Everyone was moving on the pitch and the covering was exciting to watch as everyone was in position and holding their tags. 18 sleeps until the White Rock Tournament !! Your coaches have confidence that you will be ready !!   


Game Report April 29th

What a game! I think a few of the parents were biting their nails wondering what we were up to. Coast Capital "Blue Thunder" gave the Inferno'z a good run tonight. The Inferno'z will remember #18's homerun and how she domed centerfield. 


All the Inferno'z had to do their part to keep the game close and they did!! A new challenge was given to the team. The Inferno'z were NOT permitted to steal bases UNLESS they at least attempted to bunt. Anyone brave enough to give it a try earned themselves the right to steal as they wished. OH WHAT FUN!! Coach Tammy lost all track of time and her cheeks are still sore from all the smiling.


In the end almost all the team gave bunting a try and the players learned bunting is not as intimidating as they thought. The league may complain when they see how worn out our uniforms are at the end of this season. The Inferno'z work hard and it shows. (did you see Rachels uniform) Other highlights included a tag out at third base, an entire team determined at the plate, stellar steals home and a wicked 3rd inning with Brina striking out 3 with only 11 pitches...Outstanding Night for Everyone. The trust and confidence this team has in each other is a beautiful thing to witness.   :)


 Inferno'z Coaches are continually looking for ways to improve their coaching and to ensure all the kids in this league are supported. We welcome your comments, cares and concerns. Constructive criticism is encouraged via contacts on this Ballcharts site.    


Ice Breaker Tounament :)

The Inferno's were well prepared for the Ice Breaker weekend. The weather co-operated making it perfect to play ball. Over the course of the day they played 4 games with a total of 12 innings. The Inferno'z maximized 4 runs in 9 of those innings. Defensively they allowed maximum runs only once. This team chose to be confident at the plate, on the mound and in the field. No matter what, they played on and played with confidence. The Inferno's were challenged to swing away, Sabrina, Erika and Tessa lead the way with 5 hits each bringing the team total to 27 hits. Our pitchers had a grand total of 17 strikeouts throughout the day. Our catchers played outstanding, hustling to the live ball. Onlookers were stunned to see the tags out at the plate and the attempts to hold the stealing runners. At the end of the day, The Inferno's finished with pride because they ALL worked as a team and supported each other earning themselves 3 wins and one tie.      


Practice Review April 16th

Lots of review tonight, positioning was key. We had 3 teams of 3 and all had their turn at the bats. The Inferno'z turned the heat on Coach Robin as he was challenged to take third. Pretty sure he worked up a sweat. We have plenty of rising stars on this team. A mere taste of their potential will be seen at the Ice Breaker.



Our Inferno'z Commitment


If you’re on time, you’re late…be early.

Email/phone if you can’t make it-

And not at the last minute!!

If you’re early help set up.

Respect your umpires.

Respect your opponents.

Respect your coaches and our decisions,

It’s for the good of your team.

Our parents will not coach from the sidelines.

Respect your teammates at all times.

If it isn’t nice, don’t say it.

No swearing, you’re better than that.

Come prepared to practices and games.

Be ready for the weather.

Hair back, jerseys tucked in.

Got a problem? Then talk to us.

Let us know if you are injured or not feeling well.

No pop, food, gum or spits in the dugout

Eat well before and hydrate yourselves during.

Defeat fear by confronting it.

Confidence is a decision we make.

Practices are priority.



While Playing Games:


We know where the ball is.

We don’t run into tags.

We tag up on fly balls.

We think YES, YES, YES !

We don’t watch strike 3 …EVER

We call the ball.

We know the number of outs.

When in doubt…run it out.

We win with grace, we lose with class.

Together we hustle on the field, we hustle off the field.

We sing to encourage.

We cheer because we are proud.

We support each other.

Winning is merely a bonus.

We play because it’s FUN!!!    Playing well is FANTASTIC!!!

Practice Report April 15th

The Inferno'z reviewed positioning on the feild. A solid hour was dedicated to the infield. The team concentrated on sure throws and sticking their foot to the base on 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Lots of coverage from each player with every play. Practice ended with some enthusiastic SLIDING. Everyone hit the dirt hard and the team wanted more. Time flies. More fun promised next time.    

Inferno'z First Game Report April 14th

What a competition!! The weather co-operated !! The Inferno'z were on fire !! An MVP would have been difficult to chose. This team made very few errors. The pitching was very good. The Inferno'z struck out 11 Kaos. Kaos were able to hit 15 times, only 11 of them were forced to walk. These numbers are outstanding !! The team was covering each other in the infield. The Inferno'z backcatchers were warriors behind the plate. They hustled to the live ball and watched the runners on third. After taking a 3rd hard hit, Em was forced by coach Tammy to walk off the field. Up to bat the Inferno'z were solid and focussed. No one was caught watching the ball. Everyone was swinging at good pitches. Everyone was thinking YES, YES,YES !!

The score was close because it was an exhibition game between good friends. Each team could have run up the score with stealing home but both team coaches chose to keep the players honest by hitting their players home.  RBI's Rock ! These teams Rock !! These coaches are proud !! Keep up the hard work Inferno'z...Your coaches see a rematch on the horizon :)

Practice Report April 10th

What a GOOD FRIDAY ! Emily, Em, Erika, Boo, Sabrina, Miranda, Katelyn & Brina all made it out to play. Rachel came all the way to the park to let the team know she was not up to par. Her coaches hope she feels better soon. Lot's of throwing this practice. It seemed the further the Inferno'z had to throw the more accurate they became. The team batted wiffles, Derek helped fine tune some of the girls swings. The coaches were treated to watching Katelyn, Brina & Boo at the pitchers mound. Erika and Em looked fearless behind the plate. A solid 2 hours. Where did the time go ? As the saying goes "Time flies when your having fun".

Exhibition Game VS Kaos

Monday April, 13th 2pm (be there minimum 30 minutes early)

Practice Report April 7th

What was with those mosquitos !! Didn't they know it was our turn on the feild ...good grief. Luckily this fine group of Inferno'z managed to stay focused on the drills. Everyone wanted to crush the ball and ran hard around the bases. Boo and Ashley braved the pitchers mound and did us proud. Emily B and Miranda showed they know what to do behind the plate. Practice was cut a little shorter than Coach Tammy would have liked but the task of picking uniforms won. Hoping to test a few more brave souls on the pitching mound and behind the plate Friday :)


Remember your pledges please support the Bat-a-thon. Win great prizes. The winning team goes to the movies!!!.

Practice report Sunday April 6th

It was Family Day at Willoughby Elementary Today !! Our first field practice of the season. The weather was beautiful and our players and families were eagar. Our roster was out in full force and really looked like a team. We had our arms stretched and completed our flip drill and short tosses before coach Robin had a chance to warm us up. After warm up we quickly moved to feilding drills. concentrating on the throws to 1st, 2nd and 3rd. We then worked on the star drill. The whole team impressed coach Tammy as they called for the ball and followed the play. Coach Robin and Tony helped warm our batters up, smashing the noodle and crushing the ball off the T.  We finished up with two innings with the parents intertwined. Family time rocks and those who joined us had competition coursing through their blood !! Smiles all around at this practice ...smiles on the coaches ...smiles on the parents and most importantly smiles on the Inferno'z girls !!

Practice report April3rd.
All we can say is wow. What an excellent practice. Coach Robin put everyone through his famous Kihon style warm up routine. Lots of stretching and kicking and twisting to get ready for Coach Tammy's fielding drill schedule. A ton of new stances and stutter steps and step backs to remember but everyone did amazing. Everyone got down to the ball with nice wide stances, Every ball was played quickly and the throws were bang on. Great to see. Some fun relay drills to test the arms and a game of bucket Barney to close. I think Boomer dented the Bucket and i know Boo, Brina, Rachel, Erika and Katelyn were throwing strikes. During the base running relay Emily had a great glove and Ashley made some quick plays with the ball to catch the runner. Thanks for picking such a cool name. Lots of good things to be said. the team has great chemistry. This is going to be a fun year.
Practice report March 31st
It's great to be playing ball again. Lots of familiar faces and some new ones too. It looks lke a lot of you have been practicing really hard. Your throwing is really accurate and your footwork is especially good. lots of great hustle and movement to the ball. Keep up the good work. Great to see your parents and we know we'll have an excellent year together



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