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Pony League Red Sox




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Posted Jul 25/14 - Red Sox withstand rally head to Championship

Perhaps this team is special were the words of Manager Scott Wisniewski after the Red Sox defeated the Cardinals 5-3 to head to the pony league championship series next week. Despite outside distractions and key injuries, this Sox team continues to win games and show off thier impressive maturity. Thursday night was no different. Stand out rookie Tyler Kube was a last minute scratch and the defense faltered a tad in a three run 5th for the Cardinals but the Sox remained unfazed, held serve and won the game on an amazing 8-5 double play in the seventh. "thats one heck of a team we beat today. You play that game 100 times and maybe both teams win 50" the skipper said about the Cardinals.

Mike Hartmann was his stellar self twirling a complete game and showing the compusure that makes him special. Hartmann struck out eleven while allowing only one walk. After falling behind some hitters in the first couple innings, Hartmann was able to throw first pitch strikes on 18 of the last 22 batters he faced. Hartmann also starred at the plate by belting the teams first Home Run of the season a two run shot in the first. Wisniewski touted Mike again after the game "Ive known Mike most of his life, Ive watched him grow as a ball player and into a great young adult. Im very honored to have had the opprotunity to watch him become a fantastic pitcher and and more importantly a hell of a human being"

Forced into action in centerfield due to injuries, shortstop Dustin Reck controlled the game in the outfield with two outfield assists and two great catches. 

"This team unlike any others I have had the privledge of coaching has gotten contributions from 1-16 on this roster", Wisniewski beamed to reporters after the victory. "I trust everyone on this roster to go out and play the game the right way", he continued. "Even in our other championship seasons there were a few guys that you needed to hide but not this squad". When asked about his teams chances in the upcoming Phillies series Wisniewski added "as long as I dont screw things up we have a shot, Us and the Phillies are the two best teams in the league in my opinion so its a fitting finale". Wisniewski also took some time to praise this teams leadership. "The leadership on this team from Robert and Dustin, Mark, Mike, Anthony our unsung hero as well as Sandro and even Tyler as a 13 year old are unusual in this day and age" The growth of Catcher Robert Decker hasnt gone unoticed either. "I knew from day 1 he had it in him. I wasnt going to let him sell himself short. I cant tell you how proud of him I am as a coach."

First pitch on Monday is 7PM


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