Oct 5/24
4:27 pm

Shruty's Pub Softball




Team Ticker:
  • Sshhhrrrrrrruuuuuutty's!!!!
  • Up All Night Tourney WAY TOO MUCH FUN.
  • Sparkler Night 2009 - another success!
  • POCONO BOOZER - We are aholes, again!
Player of the year:
(Aug 22/09)
Jess Hanics

For bringing the amusement park size, blow-up water slide to the annual Shruty's Picnic. And the first aid kit!
Countdown to Tournament at Riverview Park
(May 15/10)

Posted Feb 15/10 - ANNUAL LIMO NIGHT OUT!

Calling all Shruty's players (and others if we can't fill a limo)! Please let Stett know if you are interested in attending our pre-season night out. This year's plan involve Dave and Busters, a cruise through Philly, and any other fun we can find!

Mr. Sign pouring
himself a beer!
Classic Quote Relived:"Hey Stett, Who is Jeanene??" - Hoot
Rochelle (to Chip) - "No more drinking before games for you. You're all floppin' around out there!"
Stett (on wearing glitter head bands) - "I felt like a Solid Gold dancer out there."
Al to Chip after Hecktown game - "Were you drinking before the game??! At first I thought it was just the first inning but then you got worse!"
"If I was 21, I would have beer in my car all the time." - Rook
Shannon to team after diving catch by Stett in the outfield - "Ok somebody carry her in!"
Coyle to Hoot at 6am game - "Sorry, but I see 4 Hoot's over there."
"Can we get a runner for our runner?" Stett
Stett going up to Home Plate at 6:30am after Roxie had just ended a sentence with an 'eh'..."All of a sudden Roxie is Canadian...I never knew"
"I remember playing basketball for you and I would get all stressed out b/c I could never remember that 'Transition' play." - Roxie
"I should never have come" - Rox
"That's what they all say, Rox" - Stett
(To Stett)"I've never seen you at any League Meetings!" - Al
"Well I don't wear my Shruty's uniform there. I wear my civilian clothes.You probably didnt recognize me" - Stett
"What DO you look like?"
Funny Moments
Kiley's display of Michael Jackson dancing
Rox falling over trying to imitate MJ dancing
Chip and Stett's fashion show
Kiley playing for Slick Chicks!
Stett's old cheering routine
Hoot, Stett and Chip's wave at Riverview
The Pocono Boozer at Up All Night Tourney
Stett's slip and slide move in Up All Night
Lights going out at All Night and people yelling, "Where are the Sparkler Girls?" and Chip actually pulling them out and lighting them up!
Stett calling the 3 hecklers the "3 Ass-A-Teers."
Chip  being Hoot's runner EVERY TIME.
Stinky Dog.
Roxanne's stories....Good Lord.
The mystery of the disappearing stop sign.
Sharon(Shannon) playing RCF. LOL.
Chip starting fights....from the bench.
Hoot. Plain and simple.




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