Jan 10/25
6:08 am

Cowichan Valley Mustangs
AAA Bantam





Dear Parent(s):


I wanted to take this opportunity to put in writing my coaching philosophy and my goals for your child and the team this season.  Youth baseball can be an exciting and fun opportunity for Athletes to learn new skills, make new friends, and have fun.  As fun as it can be for your child, different expectations from the coach, parent(s), and player can take away from that positive experience in a number of ways.  As you read through this letter please make sure that my philosophy fits with your expectations of what you want for your child. If not, this is your opportunity to let me know. 


Coaching Philosophy

·        I believe that Athletes gain confidence and a love for the game through positive feedback from parents, coaches, and other players.  Skill level develops at different rates for Athletes, but good sportsmanship, effort and having fun can always be achieved.  I try to always provide positive feedback for effort. 


·        I think it’s important that a coach takes more than a casual interest in the players.  I strive to talk with all the players 1 on 1 at some point during the practices and games.  I may not be successful getting to every player each day, but I want them to know that I’m interested in what they have to say and more importantly, I want them to know that their coach likes him/her as a person.


·        I believe in trying to make practices as fun and entertaining for the Athletes as possible, while providing the practice and instruction that they need to improve and become successful in the level of competition we will be competing in. I’ve found that Athletes expect and respond to well structured and organized practices, so I will strive to keep them moving and active. 


·        Teamwork and developing friendships is an important part of any team sport.  I always try to tell the Athletes how important it is for them to support each other and to always be positive towards their teammates.


·        Competition is an important element of any sport and as Athletes grow they naturally become more competitive.  I don't talk to the Athletes about "needing to win a game" or "how important it is that we win".  I feel my role and that of the parents is helping the Athletes develop the ability to deal with competition in a healthy way.  Effort and attitude is my focus.  If we can achieve that, then chances are we'll win the number of games that we are capable of winning.


I will work on teaching fundamentals and skills during practice, but I believe the game is their time.  I will give instruction during the game if I feel it will help with their performance during the game, but in general I try letting them enjoy the game.  I don't think any of the Athletes want to be told what they did wrong during the game.  I hope as parents you will do the same.  Strive to make them feel good about their contribution.  My goal is to have every Athlete feel that they played a great game that day.



With this age group, I have 5 primary coaching objectives, which I believe are equally important.


  1. Help Athletes develop the skills necessary to be successful at this level and to prepare Athletes for next season.
  2. To have fun and have the Athletes develop a love for the game.
  3. Learn about the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.
  4. Give positive reinforcement based on effort rather than results.
  5. Provide a safe and healthy environment for all the Athletes on the team.





Playing Time and Positions

For this age group there can be a significant difference in skill level among the Athletes. I will not have a player pitch or catch that I don't feel has the ability to play the position at this time.  This really is a safety issue as much as anything.  Plus, I want to put Athletes in positions where I feel they have the best chance of being successful. That doesn't mean they won't have the ability by the end of the season to play other positions and I will strive to work with the Athletes at those positions during practice if they are interested.




Team Rules and Discipline

We will have a few team rules that we will introduce prior to the commencement of regular season play. Rules may be added during the season if necessary.


Player Expectations

  1. Have fun and always give your best effort.
  2. I expect players to always show respect for the coaches, parents, umpires and other players on the team.
  3. Commitment to the team is critical for overall program success.
  4. Spend time outside of practice playing baseball.
  5. Adhere to all Cowichan Valley Baseball Policy and Procedures.


Parent Expectations

1)      Please try to get your child to practice and games on time.  I know this can be difficult at times and impossible at other times, but it’s really hard to conduct practice or get ready for a game when players continually show up late.  If you know your child will be late or won’t be able to make it to a practice or game, please let me know in advance if possible.

2)      Help out with team volunteer opportunities.  We have a number of items that require parent help.

3)      Please encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game and practice.  Please cheer for your child during games, but try to keep from yelling instructions to them.  Remember this is their opportunity to enjoy playing in the game. Much of the fun is lost if their Mom or Dad is always yelling instructions.

4)      Please let me know if you have a problem with me or something that is happening.  Same holds true if your child isn’t happy about something.  I want to know if there is a problem right away. Very small things can cause Athletes to be upset. These problems can be fixed very easily if I know about them. 

5)      Safety is a primary concern for me.  Unfortunately, I can’t watch every child every second.  If you see any situation that you believe is a safety concern, please step in and help.  Make sure you follow up with me so I know what has happened.

6)       Adhere to all Cowichan Valley Baseball Policy and Procedures.




















  Cowichan Valley baseball seeks to provide our athletes with opportunities that improve their athletic skills while reinforcing values of hard work, dedication, commitment, sportsmanship and camaraderie.  We believe baseball teaches physical, mental and social skills that follow our athletes beyond their baseball experience.


 Our ultimate goal is to be a part of the education process that produces one who is properly prepared for life after baseball. Winning is important but not the most important thing we want our players to learn.  Our program does not insist on a “win-at-all costs” mentality. We want our players to play to win every game but more importantly, realize that a winner is not always one who scores the most runs.  Defining success requires qualities beyond a program’s wins and losses.


 Cowichan Valley baseball insists on players putting priorities in order.  If we teach our athletes anything, it is to place priorities in the proper order and perspective.  What are most important in life are the relationships we develop and the need to work hard to allow those relationships to grow.  Our priority list is as follows in order of importance:


  1. Family
  2. School
  3. Baseball


Cowichan Valley baseball by no means guarantees equal playing time for our athletes.  This is a competitive program by nature and the game rewards those who work hardest.  At each level we expect all our players to be able to step in and play, but not necessarily in equal amounts of innings or at-bats. Our players have no guarantee of playing time.  We believe that each player is given many opportunities to exhibit their skills during practice.  Our practices put players in pressure situations to help our coaches determine their abilities in the sport.







CVB shall operate under BC Minor Baseball Association Rules. CVB Policies and rules as prescribed herein.


Cowichan Valley Baseball Program currently has 2 teams under the auspices of the program:


Midget AAA


Team is primarily made up of 15, 16 and 17 year old Midget players as per BC Minor Baseball Rules. Bantam AAA players may also be called up to play on the Midget team at the discretion of the Midget AAA and Bantam AAA Head coaches and provided the applicable affiliated league rules are adhered to. 


Bantam AAA


Team is primarily made up of 13and 14 year old Bantam players as per BC Minor Baseball Rules.  Bantam AA players may also be called up to play on the Bantam AAA team at the discretion of the Bantam AAA and Bantam A Head coaches and provided the applicable affiliated league rules are adhered to. 


Bantam AAA Team is primarily made up of 13and 14 year old Bantam players as per BC Minor Baseball Rules. Bantam A players or Peewee players may also be called up to play on the Bantam AA team at the discretion of the Bantam AA, Bantam A and Peewee Head coaches and provided the applicable affiliated league rules are adhered to. 





Responsibilities for players and coaches:


  •   Expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and attitude on and off the field.
  •   Expected to be at practice and games.
  •   Expected to follow rules without exception.

·          Expected to maintain highest level of competition, sportsmanship, attitude, respect and       teamwork.

·              Respect for all officials.


Rules for players and coaches:


  • Practice and game attendance is mandatory.
  • No use of inappropriate language.
  • Respectful grooming of players and coaches.
  • Respect of uniform when it is worn (hat, shirts, pants).
  • Respect of coaches and teammates without exception.
  • Respect for all officials.


Use of alcohol or illegal drugs - shall result in immediate suspension from program until all facts pertaining to infraction can be investigated. All facts pertaining to infraction shall be forwarded to the Cowichan Valley Baseball Committee and a final outcome/decision shall be determined.

All decisions shall be provided for in writing to the affected player/players Parent/ Guardian.


Unexcused absence of practice or game- Practice is excused for church activities, illness, and family emergency or tutoring.  Anticipated absences should be made known to your head coach. If a player is absent during the season where they miss practices or games without notification to the head coach, the absence is counted as unexcused absence.  Each unexcused practice or game that is missed may result in the player sitting out that total number of games when they return.

Loyalty and Commitment are the most important words in our program! Commitment to rules, responsibilities and positive effort cannot be neglected for our program to be successful.





 During preseason, the teams may practice together with one purpose in mind: to give total concentration to every player in our program and teach the same fundamental skills and procedures to every level.  Players get maximum repetition with these practices because all of our coaches are there to work on individual positions and their fundamentals.  With individual team practices, it is difficult for 1 or 2 coaches to effectively work with every position and fundamental drills necessary during practice. 


Practice during spring break is mandatory like any practice during the regular school day.  We designate the first part of the spring break week as vacation time for coaches and players.  Practice will resume around mid-week at the individual coaches’ discretion. Absences during spring break are excused if they meet the criteria for excused absences covered earlier in the policy.


Practices generally last about 2 to 3 hours.  Players are expected to be at every practice and every game.




CVB baseball believes in a positive approach in dealing with our athletes.  The primary concern in athletics is to promote and improve the athlete’s performance. When problems arise within the program and among its supporters, it causes unnecessary distractions that contribute to a less successful program.  In an effort to keep unity in the program, we want to maintain a positive climate between coaches and players and their parents. Coaches make close evaluations of each athlete before the season and believe that we represent the best interest of the athlete and the team.  Each player is told his role on the team at some point during preseason. We ask that you respect the following policy regarding relationships with the coaching staff:


If/when problems arise with your child regarding baseball; direct your comments to the Head Coach before addressing complaints to other channels.

CVB baseball coaches will be glad to discuss issues you have concerning your child. Coaches will not, however, discuss issues regarding other players (i.e. playing time, ability, comparisons, etc.)







CVB baseball facilities are made available for baseball players and coaches, this is a privilege and use of any facilities shall be respected and properly maintained.  It is against CVB policy for anyone to use the facilities without the permission from CVB coaching staff and or the applicable baseball association. CVB requires that any organization not affiliated with CVB system may be subject to a rental fee for use of the facilities.




The following are guidelines for our athlete’s during/after practice time.

  • Personal safety gear and protection must be worn at all times when entering all practice facilities.
  • Batting practice is to be taken on the baseball field or in batting cage only.
  • Pitching practice is to be taken on the baseball field.
  • Players may work on defensive drills on the baseball field.
  • Screens and equipment that are used for drills must be returned where they were found.
  • Cages and bullpen and playing area are always open for use.  Players should clean up the cages and rake the bullpen and playing area when they are finished.


The following are guidelines for our athletes who use our facilities during non-practice time. 


  • Personal safety gear and protection must be worn at all times when entering all practice facilities.
  • Batting practice is to be taken on the baseball field or in batting cage only.
  • Pitching practice is to be taken on the baseball field.
  • Players may work on defensive drills on the baseball field.
  • Screens and equipment that are used for drills must be returned where they were found.
  • Cages and bullpen and playing area are always open for use.  Players should clean up the cages and rake the bullpen and playing area when they are finished.







Travel Consent Form

Please print or type

Cowichan Valley Baseball 2010


Player’s Name







Birth Date





































Age on Jan 01/2010




























Contact Numbers

Area Code



Telephone Number



E mail Address








Parents / Guardians

Mother (please print)



Father (please print)








I/We, the parents/guardians of the named player for a position on Cowichan Valley baseball team, hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all Cowichan Valley Baseball activities, including transportation to and from the activities.


I/We know that participation in baseball may result in serious injuries and protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Cowichan Valley Baseball. Program, their Board of Directors, Incorporated, managers, Coaches ,umpires, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities for any claims arising out of any injury to my/our child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause.


I/We agree to return upon request the uniform and other equipment issued to my/our child in good condition as when received except for normal wear and tear.


I/We agree to provide proof of legal residence and age. I/We understand that our child must be eligible under residence and age regulations of BC Minor Baseball Association, to participate in this Local League, and if any controversy arises regarding residence and/or age, the decision of the Cowichan Valley Baseball Board of Directors Committee shall be final and binding. I/We further understand that if any participant on a Little League team does not qualify for participation in the league based on


I/We understand that my/our child may be chosen to play on a Midget or Bantam division team, if he/she is of the correct age/ability for such division as determined by the BC Minor Baseball Association rules.





 In my/our absence, I/We authorize medical, surgical and dental treatment, both emergency and non-emergency, considered necessary and proper for the diagnosis and treatment of my/our child listed previously.


I/We further authorize the manager or coach, assistant managers or coaches to cause my/our child be transported to the nearest medical facility for treatment of any illness/injury as above.


Medical Information

Family Physician




Hospital Preference








Please list any allergies, medical problems or physical limitations

Medical Condition















Parent/ Guardian Signature                     




Home Phone                             Work Phone              





Parent/ Guardian Signature                     




Home Phone                             Work Phone




I’m looking forward to a fun and rewarding season.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.



Lorne LaFLeur




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