Jul 17/24
5:59 am

Vancouver Minor Baseball
Bantam A Tourny




League Ticker:
  • Welcome to the home of the Vancouver Minor Bantam A
(May 10/12)

Vancouver Minor Blue Jays won  2012 VMBA Bantam Tournament
2012 VMBA Bantam A Tourny
#1 - S. Jasper Place Jays #1 - Van. Bluejays
#2 - Van. Redsox #2 - Coq- Moody
#3 - Burnaby #3 - Whiterock
#1 Thurs. May 10 6pm Van Blue Jays  9   vs Coq-Moody  2
#2 Fri. May 11 6:30pm S.Jasper Place Jays       vs Van Red Sox     2
#3 Sat. May 12 9am S.Jasper Place Jays   13  vs Burnaby   9
#4 Sat. May 12 12pm Van Blue Jays   15    vs White Rock      5
#5 Sat. May 12 3pm Coq-Moody     vs White Rock    12
#6 Sat. May 12 6pm Van Red Sox    9    vs Burnaby     2
#7 Sun. May 13 8:30am           

S.Jasper Place Jays 3 vs White Rock  9



#8 Sun. May 13 11am Van Blue Jays  5   vs  Van Red Sox    4
#9 Sun. May 13 1:30pm S. Jasper Jays  2  vs Van Red Sox  7
#10 Sun. May 13 4pm
White Rock  
 6  vs Van Blue Jays   12 

#11 Sun. May 13 6:30pm
Burnaby    10    vs  Coq-Moody   7
NOTE- All game times scheduled on Sunday will be subject to change.

this will be done to best suit our guests from Edmonton

1) Will consist of  6  teams in round robin play within 2 pools. Points for these games will   
    be awarded as follows with ties standing. The top 2 teams from each Pool  will  play a
    crossover Semi-Final game and the 3rd place teams from each pool will play a consolation 
2)Points will be awarded as follows
   Win - 2
   Tie  - 1
   Loss -0
3)  Seedings (1thru3) will be given after completion of pool play to determine who  
        participates in the Semi-Final games.
4)Ties will be broken by
 A) Plus - Minus from all games played
 B) Runs Allowed Ratio (runs allowed divided by half innings played on defense)
 C) Coin Toss by Director
1) All teams shall be composed of not more then 14 players
2) All teams must submit a copy of their team roster to the tournament office 45
    minutes prior to their first game
3) Teams may pick up a maximum of 3 players.Of which can only come from within 
    your own association and from the same tier or lower
4) Any pickup player must wear their own teams uniform and must be declared when
    submitting your rosters.Failure to do so will deem any pick-up ineligable to compete
5) Pick-up players may play any position
6) All players shall play more than they sit.No player shall sit for 2 consecutive innings. 
    Barring injury.
7) Unlimited substitutions are allowed.All pitching changes must be made thru the home
    plate umpire
8) Any player or team official ejected from a game shall be suspended from their
   teams following game,unless furthur suspension is decided by the tournament 
2) “Mercy Rule” in effect in all divisions (10 runs as per B.C.M.B.A). 
3) ALL teams shall report to the Tournament Director at least 45 minutes prior to the 
    start of their first game and provide a roster of players,showing clearly their pick-
    up players
4) Home team shall be determined by Umpire or Director coin toss no less then 15 
    minutes prior to game at which time lineups for both teams shall be submitted to 
5) The Home Team must be the official scorekeeper(unless provide by tournament) and will
      occupy the 3rd base dugout
6) Any breach of the tournament or pitching rules shall result in the  forfeiture of that
   game and/or next matter when the breach is discovered
7) In the case of a protest,the game shall be stopped immediately,and a decision shall
    be rendered by the Director,who may seek advisors
8) Pursuant to BCMBA rules all players shall wear helmets with straps
9) In case of bad weather,all teams must show up for scheduled game at which time
    the umpire will render a decision.Games which are not necessary for the final
   standings may be cancelled if necessary
10) If the home team is leading prior to the home teams final at bat the game shall be
     declared over.
11)No new inning may start after 2 hours in all games except in games #11 and #12
     These games shall be played until a winner is declared with the 7th and any extra innings
      having no run limits
12) A copy of your team line-up sheet shall be given to the official scorekeeper 15
      minutes prior to the game,copies to the umpire as well as opposing manager
      shall be given prior to the start of the game
13) All pitchers must sign pitching records at the end of each game
14) Innings will have a 4 run limit other than the 7th inning.If reached the 7th inning will be   
15) Pitchers will be allowed 5 warm-up pitches between innings
1) All pitches pitched Thursday and Friday will count as Saturday for the Tournament
2) A calendar week is from 12:01 AM Monday to 12:00 PM ( midnight) the following 
3) The nights rest rule carries forward from calendar week to calendar week.
4) A pitcher once removed from the mound may not return at any point during the 
   same game
5) If a pitcher comes in cold he or she shall be allowed 5 warm-up pitches
6) Pitchers in violation of any pitching rules shall be considered ineligible players
    subject to penalties outlined in the section on protests and penalties,Rule 22.4
7) It is the responsibility of the coach to review all pitching records held by the 
      official scorekeepers before the start of any game
Rule 23: Pitching Rules
23.01 Number of Pitches and Required Rest
Bantam  A
1-35 pitches = no rest
36-65 pitches = 2 nights rest
66-85 pitches = 3 nights rest
Note : Pitches thrown in warm-up,bullpen or thrown when ruled No Pitch due to a Balk
do not count towards Pitch Count
Pitchers may not pitch on three consecutive days 
23.08 Penalty for Violations
A) Maximum Pitch Count Violation
If a pitcher is about to exceed his/her maximum pitch count for the day the opposing manager 
and/or official
If a violation is discovered after it occurs the pitcher is simply removed from the mound and  
no further penalty is imposed
23.09 Enforcement and Tracking
Managers will be responsible for both charting and reporting to the Director their teams pitch  

Players in action photos: open this link


1) Will consist of  6  teams in round robin play within 2 pools. Points for these games will   
    be awarded as follows with ties standing. The top 2 teams from each Pool  will  play a
    crossover Semi-Final game and the 3rd place teams from each pool will play a consolation 
2)Points will be awarded as follows
   Win - 2
   Tie  - 1
   Loss -0
3)  Seedings (1thru3) will be given after completion of pool play to determine who  
        participates in the Semi-Final games.
4)Ties will be broken by
 A) Plus - Minus from all games played
 B) Runs Allowed Ratio (runs allowed divided by half innings played on defense)
 C) Coin Toss by Director
1) All teams shall be composed of not more then 14 players
2) All teams must submit a copy of their team roster to the tournament office 45
    minutes prior to their first game
3) Teams may pick up a maximum of 3 players.Of which can only come from within 
    your own association and from the same tier or lower
4) Any pickup player must wear their own teams uniform and must be declared when
    submitting your rosters.Failure to do so will deem any pick-up ineligable to compete
5) Pick-up players may play any position
6) All players shall play more than they sit.No player shall sit for 2 consecutive innings. 
    Barring injury.
7) Unlimited substitutions are allowed.All pitching changes must be made thru the home
    plate umpire
8) Any player or team official ejected from a game shall be suspended from their
   teams following game,unless furthur suspension is decided by the tournament 
2) “Mercy Rule” in effect in all divisions (10 runs as per B.C.M.B.A). 
3) ALL teams shall report to the Tournament Director at least 45 minutes prior to the 
    start of their first game and provide a roster of players,showing clearly their pick-
    up players
4) Home team shall be determined by Umpire or Director coin toss no less then 15 
    minutes prior to game at which time lineups for both teams shall be submitted to 
5) The Home Team must be the official scorekeeper(unless provide by tournament) and will
      occupy the 3rd base dugout
6) Any breach of the tournament or pitching rules shall result in the  forfeiture of that
   game and/or next matter when the breach is discovered
7) In the case of a protest,the game shall be stopped immediately,and a decision shall
    be rendered by the Director,who may seek advisors
8) Pursuant to BCMBA rules all players shall wear helmets with straps
9) In case of bad weather,all teams must show up for scheduled game at which time
    the umpire will render a decision.Games which are not necessary for the final
   standings may be cancelled if necessary
10) If the home team is leading prior to the home teams final at bat the game shall be
     declared over.
11)No new inning may start after 2 hours in all games except in games #11 and #12
     These games shall be played until a winner is declared with the 7th and any extra innings
      having no run limits
12) A copy of your team line-up sheet shall be given to the official scorekeeper 15
      minutes prior to the game,copies to the umpire as well as opposing manager
      shall be given prior to the start of the game
13) All pitchers must sign pitching records at the end of each game
14) Innings will have a 4 run limit other than the 7th inning.If reached the 7th inning will be   
15) Pitchers will be allowed 5 warm-up pitches between innings
1) All pitches pitched Thursday and Friday will count as Saturday for the Tournament
2) A calendar week is from 12:01 AM Monday to 12:00 PM ( midnight) the following 
3) The nights rest rule carries forward from calendar week to calendar week.
4) A pitcher once removed from the mound may not return at any point during the 
   same game
5) If a pitcher comes in cold he or she shall be allowed 5 warm-up pitches
6) Pitchers in violation of any pitching rules shall be considered ineligible players
    subject to penalties outlined in the section on protests and penalties,Rule 22.4
7) It is the responsibility of the coach to review all pitching records held by the 

      official scorekeepers before the start of any game.

PITCH COUNT PRINTOUT SHEET can be download from the HANDOUT tab

Rule 23: Pitching Rules
23.01 Number of Pitches and Required Rest
Bantam  A
1-35 pitches = no rest
36-65 pitches = 2 nights rest
66-85 pitches = 3 nights rest
Note : Pitches thrown in warm-up,bullpen or thrown when ruled No Pitch due to a Balk
do not count towards Pitch Count
Pitchers may not pitch on three consecutive days 
23.08 Penalty for Violations
A) Maximum Pitch Count Violation
If a pitcher is about to exceed his/her maximum pitch count for the day the opposing manager 
and/or official
If a violation is discovered after it occurs the pitcher is simply removed from the mound and  
no further penalty is imposed
23.09 Enforcement and Tracking
Managers will be responsible for both charting and reporting to the Director their teams pitch  


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