Congratulations Enid Braves on reaching the other half of the season still undefeated. Stats for the season to note 1. We have 3 games where we did not allow a run. 2. We have given up the least amount of runs in the league. 3. We are only getting better with each game. Parents your commitment is greatly appreciated as with out you bringing them to practice and games they would not be where they are today.
Congratulations Enid Braves on your 6u preseason tournament Championship. We have a lot of potential this year to do some amazing things hopefully as a coaching staff we can teach you the tools and skills needed to succeed and have fun playing baseball. We will strive to continue to improve through out the year and hopefully we will win several trophies this year.
Dominos Pizza has made a donation to our team to help sponsor us this year. I would personally like to thank them on behalf of our team for their support. Every sponsor helps and I am proud to have a company like Dominos as a sponsor.
Feb. 17th will be having a fundraiser event with Wings to Go. All day long till they close anyone who eats there and tells them they are there for our team we will receive a percentage of the sales. This could go along ways towards helping with tournament fees.
Our first practice of the year will be on Monday January 17th at 6pm at the NOC indoor facility. Please be on time as we only get 55 minutes to practice. Till the weather is nice enough to practice outside we will be practicing every Monday at this time. Lets have a great and wonderful season.
Rodney McKinney
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