Feb 13/25
1:57 am

West Bend Thunder
2017 5th Grade / U11 Baseball




West Bend Thunder Baseball

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Team Ticker:
  • Welcome to the home of the 2017 5th Grade / U11 Thunder Baseball Team!
  • Thank you to all of our 2017 Sponsors, we greatly appreciate your support!
  • Please support our sponsors, visit the sponsor tab at left.
Player of the game:
(Jun 6/17)
Carter Henschel

Carter hit 3 doubles in the game against Oconomowoc.
Countdown to Father's Day Tournament
(Jun 16/17)

2017 Father's Day Tournament Champs!




2018 West Bend

Thunder Tryouts


Who: Youth entering 3rd, 6th, and 7th grades

(must live or attend a school within the WBSD)


When / Where: Sunday, July 9 2017 @ WB Little League Complex

      3rd grade tryouts: 3:30 PM on North Diamond

  6th grade tryouts: 7:30 PM on North Diamond

      7th grade tryouts: 11:00 AM on Junior Diamond


What is West Bend Thunder?

West Bend Thunder is a youth baseball program that participates in the WSYBL (Wisconsin State Youth Baseball League), which is a grade-based league consisting of teams representing communities throughout Southeast Wisconsin. Teams generally play 16-18 league games. West Bend Thunder teams also play in 4-5 tournaments during the season, with one of those generally including an overnight stay (such as Wisconsin Dells). Teams generally start indoor training in late January to encourage kids to play multiple sports. You may also visit our website or Facebook page for more information.


For questions, please contact the following coaches:

3rd Grade: Kevin Roecker (

        Lance Roell (

6th Grade: Kevin Roecker (

        Chris Schmidt (

7th Grade: Jeff Bast (

                Steve Pierre (



2017 U11 Thunder

State League Record (4-4-1)

Overall Record (5-6-1)




Please contact Kevin Roecker at (262) 247-6145,, or Chris Schmidt at (414) 312-3163,, with questions about the Thunder Program. 

Note - Kids trying out must live within West Bend School District or attend a school within the West Bend School District.




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