Jul 27/24
6:13 am

New West Red Sox



New Westminster

Member of the Lower Mainland Baseball Association

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Posted Jun 15/10 - Padres Hand Red Sox 5th loss of Season

With the weather finally cooperating, the Red Sox travelled to the depths of Ladner to face off against the defending LMBA Champs.  The good guys started stud lefty Jordan Peever on the mound, and with only 1 umpire, the battle began.  The first couple innings started great for the guys in red, as the Sox worked the rival pitcher, causing him to hit 2 guys in a row, and walk one after that, after a close play at home, and a couple stolen bases, Hot Karl would break the scoreless drought, scoring on a passball putting the good guys up by 1.  Lefty Peever continued to dominate the bewildered Padres hitters, and with some stud defensive plays by a number of Red Sox fielders, took the lead into the 4th.  However the Padres would attack, and with some disgusting umpiring again! The Padres would take a 4 - 1 lead.  With tons of game still left to play, the Red Sox would look to righty Kyle Labine to shut down the Padres hitters, and lead the team to a comeback.  With Josh Karl, Adam Nordby, and Trevor Horn all falling to injury,  the Sox had their back against the wall, and to make things worse cupid made an appearance and shot his love arrow at the direction of the homeplate umpire and opposing team catcher, resulting in a game full of disgusting comments that would make Van Gogh think twice about lopping off his own ear.  All and all the Sox could not make up the comeback leaving into question when their bats are going to wake up?


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