Jul 17/24
2:14 pm

2008 Lee Hardware




Team Ticker:
  • Welcome to the new home of the Lee Hardware
  • AS OF 6/3/08: 12-3 FIRST PLACE...GREAT JOB GUYS!!
  • Summer is right around the corner!!!
Countdown to OPENING DAY 2008!
(Apr 26/09)

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Welcome to the 2008 Lee Hardware Homepage!!

Updates will be posted throughout the season...we hope you enjoy!

Check out the "store" tab on the left... 10% of your total purchase $'s comes back to the league!!

4/27 -
Lee Hardware vs. Doug Trombley - WIN 1-0 - Great pitchers duel...Heamon and Stone were on the mark...In the 4th, a walk by Heamon and a hit by Preston proved timely. Brandon then had a great at bat by fouling off many pitches until one went past the catcher allowing Heamon to score.

5/1 - Lee Hardware vs. Fox Homes - LOSS 3-1 - Another great game. Unfortunately the bats started to come alive a little too late...Don't worry, the hits will come..KEEP SWINGING! Austin Bona hit a blooper for a single down the right line to drive in 2 runs in the 4th...that was enough for the difference.

5/3 - Lee Hardware vs. Lenox Police - WIN 17-2 - GREAT GAME... Everyone scored in this one! Matty Kelly went 4 for 5, and Noah Johnson got his 1st "majors" hit...Quick note: 5th inning - 19 batters up= 9 hits, 8 walks, 1K (swinging)...11 RUNS....keep it going!

5/5 -
Lee Hardware vs Lenox C21 - WIN 9-5 - During a tough 4 run 1st inning, Sean O'Rourke came in to pitch a great 5 1/3 innings. The crew turned things around in the 3rd with 4 runs to take the lead. Clemente Jayne had the teams first "off the fence" hit...we're still waiting for one to go over!! Way to Come Back and hold the lead guys!

5/7 - Lee Hardware vs South County - WIN 7-1 - Clemente Jayne, Preston Webb, And Matty Kelly all got in to pitch...other positions were able to have some different looks as well. Preston made a nice play while at 2nd and Noah Johnson ended the game throwing out a runner on a steal attempt at 3rd (he was catching). The bats were solid with 12 hits.

5/10 - Lee Hardware vs Williamstown Police - LOSS 3-2 - After a tough 1st inning (4 hits, 3 runs), Jake Simon settled in to pitch a great 5 innings. The rally fell short in the 6th though. Jake finished with 11 k's. This was a well played game by both teams...good effort guys!

5/12 - Lee Hardware vs Lenox Legacy - WIN 14-5 - Great game by all...after allowing 4 runs in the first Lee settled in for a 14-5 win. Joe Free pitched 4 innings for Lee allowing only 3 hits and striking out 7. Heamon Williams had the teams first over the fence home run of the season. Lee Hardware also racked up its most hits of the season with 19.

5/15 - Lee Hardware vs. Fox Homes - WIN 9-0 - Well pitched game by Jake Simon and Heamon Williams, allowing only 6 scattered hits. The bats came alive with 10 hits. A huge 8 run 4th inning provided all the runs needed. Matty Kelly led the team with 3 hits, while Preston Webb, Nick Pow, and Clemente Jayne all had 2 hits.

5/17 - Lee Hardware vs. Sawyers - WIN 6-3 - Another great pitching performance by Sean O'Rourke. 8 of 9 batters striking out in 3 innings of work. Lots of long balls hit in this one. Clemente Jayne coming just short of putting one over with a deep hit to center, hitting the fence about 1 foot short of going over. Matty Kelly, Heamon Williams and Jake Simon all had 2 hit games. Preston Webb had 1 hit, but it was a hard hit shot into center.

5/19 - Lee Hardware vs. Doug Trombley - WIN 1-0 - Another great game between these two Lee teams! The starting pitchers were excellent (Heamon Williams for Lee Hardware and Christian Callahan for Doug Trombley). Lee Hardware won with the lone run scored by Matty Kelly on a sacrifice by Nick Pow in the first. Heamon pitched well thru five innings for 10 K's. Sean came in for the sixth to have a 1-2-3 inning including a key strikeout of Stone Burdick. The guys had 5 hits this game...GOOD JOB FELLA'S!!

5/21 Lee Hardware vs. Lenox Police - WIN 8-6 - What a game! After running out to a 6-0 lead thru three innings, some mental errors let Lenox back into the game (6 errors in the 4th&5th). The kids showed heart in the 6th & 7th to shut Lenox down. With the scored tied in the bottom of the 6th, Noah Johnson made a heads up play from left field. As the throw on a steal went past 3rd, the runner stayed up and rounded towards home. But he had to stop as Noah ran in for the backup and the Lenox coach had to hold him up...Sean then struck out the next 3 batters...great inning guys! In the 7th, Joe Free hussled out a bunt and made it to 3rd on 2 Lenox errors. He then scored the go ahead run.After his hit, Preston Webb added the insurance run on a double by Heamon. Great way to come back after some tough innings guys...KEEP FOCUSED & DON'T LET UP...GOOD JOB!!!

5/27 Lee Hardware vs Lenox C21 - WIN 3-0 - The guys jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the first and that was enough. Jake Simon was able to hold Lenox to 2 hits and 3 walks for the win. He also thew 10 k's for good measure.

5/30 Lee Hardware vs Doug Trombley - LOSS 8-7 - Well, both teams were short players due to the 6&7 grade bands having to travel. Luckily each team fielded 9 players and made for an exciting game. Doug Trombley jumped out to a 7-2 lead after 2 innings. But the boys made a comeback with 5 runs in the 6th to tie it up. Brandon Bagley had a big hit with the bases loaded to help the cause. Nick Pow and Sean O'Rourke teamed up for a nice play at the plate, with Sean blocking the potential game winning run. Unfortunately, we fell short, but what a game!

5/31 - Lee Hardware vs Barr&Barr (Williamstown) - WIN 7-2 - After an early trip up to Williamstown (9am start), the boys didn't need a wake up call. Heamon Williams and Sean O'Rourke teamed up for a well pitched game. Heamon provided the power with a GRAND SLAM over the centerfield fence. Good Game guys!

6/2 - Lee Hardware vs S.County - WIN 17-12 - Preston Webb got the start for this one, with Nick Pow and Jake Simon finishing off. The team had a great 3rd inning with everyone getting up to bat. They finished with a great play at home by Joe Free and Heamon Williams in the bottom of the 6th for the 17-12 win. The guys had 16 hits in this 2 plus hour game!

6/5 - Lee Hardware vs Fox Homes - WIN 3-1 - Great Game! Heamon led the way with 2 hits,2 rbi's and a run scored. Unfortunately, Sean broke his thumb and will be out for a while!

6/6 - Lee Hardware vs Williamstown Rotary - LOSS 6-5 - Another close one...too bad we came up short. After a big hitting first (5 hits, 2 runs) the fell a little silent (3 hits over 5 innings). On the flip side, 8 out of 9 reached base at least once during the game...

6/9 - Lee Hardware vs Lenox Legacy - WIN 11-1 - Well thats a great way to rebound after a loss!!! 13 hits provided the offense and Joe held up the pitching side of the game...On the flip side, we had 5 errors that didn't look so good in the stats!

6/14 - Lee Hardware vs - Cheshire - WIN 17-7 - Lots of hits and runs! Great way to finish the regular season...FIRST PLACE! 19 hits (9 out of 11 players had a hit!) , and only 7 K's out of 43 at bats (none looking). Brandon Bagley got his pitching debut in during the 5th! Great Job Guys!

6/17 - Lee Hardware vs Doug Trombley ...Game 1 - CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES - WON 2-1 - Another close game by these two teams! Heamon provided great pitching and a bottom of the 4th 2 run homer for the offense! We only had 3 hits in this one...2 for Matty and the homer by Heamon...whew!

6/19 - Lee Hardware vs Doug Trombley GAME 2 - loss 9-1 - Well every great team has its off days...too bad this one came during the final series! Preston Webb had the lone hit and RBI of the game...

6/21 - Lee Hardware vs Doug Trombley GAME 3 - loss 1-0 - Of course this series would have a nail biter for a finale! Doug Trombley got a first inning run and that was all they needed! A well played defensive effort by both teams...Congrats to Doug Trombley...and a big CONGRATS to Lee Hardware for a great season of baseball to watch...GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR TO ALL!!


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