Mounties-Red Spurs Game, Protest, Appeal, Appeal Again Situation

Posted June 25, 2012

Cloverdale Appeals, Mounties Appeal Victory, in Protest Mounties Won!
Well there is an old saying that "it ain't over until the fat lady sings" and the way this thing is going it she won't be singing for a while.  Cloverdale Red, not happy about the Mounties winning their appeal, have now filed an appeal of their own. 

It all started back on June 12th when the umpire erred in his interpretation of a rule which put a premature end to a Mountie comeback.  The Mounties filed a protest with the league and although the protest was won by the Mounties the league ruled that the game would not be replayed from the protest point.

The Mounties appealed that decision as the league rules clearly state that "when a protest based on the interpretation of a rule is upheld by the league or the BCMBA the game concerned shall be replayed from the point of protest."  The 3 person appeal committee agreed with this ruling and ruled in favor of the game being replayed from this point.

Cloverdale Red has now appealed this decision to the League and the League has sent out notification that they have accepted this appeal and will be striking another 3 person committee to rule on the appeal of the appeal of the protest!

Mounties Win Appeal in Protested Game!
The Vancouver Mounties have won their appeal on the original protest ruling from the June 12/12 game against Cloverdale Red.  The Mounties appeal was based on 4 points under rule 7.01 (vii)  (b) and (c).  The 3 person Committee that was appointed by B.C. Minor president Mike Sarai ruled that the Vancouver protest was upheld and as per B.C. Minor Rule 21.02 the game will be replayed from the point of protest.

Mounties Win Protest but Still LOSE!
B.C. Minor Rules/Protest Chair Richard Todd has ruled that umpire "Manny Alexiou erred in his interpretation of rule 6.06" when he called the Mountie batter out for no valid reason thus putting an abrupt end to the Mountie comeback with the game tied and the Mounties having men on 1st and 3rd.  However Mr. Todd in his ruling explains that the "objective here is what is in the best interests of the league" and in the opinion of the protest committee they decided to apply rule 18.05 even though that rule was applied after the protest had occurred.

Mounties coach Pawlick still smarting from a 4 game suspension from previous comments last year that were posted on this website refused comment on the decision, but former B.C. Minor Rules Chair Kyle Williams was quoted as saying that it was "Certainly another strange ruling from the B.C. Minor Protest committee who in my opinion is on a two protest losing streak including the Tri City -Abby Protest from last week."

Propaganda Reports continue to Spew on Spurs Website!
While allegations continue to churn on the As the World Turns Spurs Website the Mounties can only laugh at the propaganda that is being written.  Comments that would lead one to assume that the Mounties fear the Black Spurs are outlandish, and just recently comments that the Mounties resorted to the oldest trick in baseball by trying to salvage a loss by protesting a game in the last inning are misleading and untrue.

The spurs website as usual was inaccurate with these reports as the game was tied 11 to 11 when the Mounties filed the protest.  A protest that was made because the Mounties believe that the umpire erred in his decision to call the Mountie batter out for stepping out of the batters box when he did not contact the ball.  The Official Rules of Baseball rule book does not have a rule that supports this call and unless their is another rule book that B.C. Minor and the Spurs are using the Mounties are confident that this protest will be upheld.

As far as the comments that the "Mounties knew that they were in trouble when they saw the expansion squad battle back 3 times to take the lead in the game." I think it would have been better served to say that the Mounties knew that they were in trouble when they thought it was Christmas and gift wrapped 9 unearned runs while committing 8 errors against the Red Spurs ball club.

As far as any one using old tricks, the stall tactics and providing dry baseballs only in the top of innings did not go un noticed in this game.  It was also a bit of a joke that the only way that the Mounties could get a dry ball in their defensive innings was to provide their own.

So unlike the propaganda that is being offered up on the Spurs website,  The Mounties do not fear anyone.  Will play anyone.  Have never turned down anyone to play and will continue to show up and compete in every game to the best of their ability, and will abide by the rules that B.C. Minor sets out.  Which allows a team the right to protest if they feel that a rule has not been administered correctly.

Mounties Lodge Protest in Game against Cloverdale Red Spurs!
The Vancouver Mounties have filed an official protest to B.C. Minor Bantam Division Chair and B.C. Minor Rules/Protest Committee Chair  Ray Wearing.

The Mounties believe that the umpire crew made an error on an interpretation of a rule which thwarted a Mountie offensive rally with the score tied 11 - 11 in the top of the 7th inning.  The outcome of this game is now pending until a decision is rendered from the B.C. Minor protest committee.

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  • Home of the 2009 and 2011 Bantam AAA League Champions.
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  • Home of the 2012 Canadian National Silver Medalists

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