Jul 27/24
8:23 am

Winsted Wildcats
2008 RECAP





7/27/08 (Glencoe Brewers @ Wildcats)

The Wildcats lost the final game of the 3-game playoff series to the Glencoe Brewers, 4-1. What does one say after a loss like this? Quite honestly, I'm having trouble putting anything together here. And I always have something to say! I HATE LOSING! It doesn't matter if I'm the guy on the bench snapping photos, or if I was the one going 0 for 4, a loss bothers the sh*t out of me! This loss was just too abrupt. Can't we have a "do-over?" I don't think there was a player or fan that thought the Wildcats would have exited this early. A month ago, we were essentially knocking the cover off of the ball and BAM, just like that, we're struggling to get a couple of hits.  I guess the old adage, "that's how the ball bounces," is true.

As of now, I haven't heard which Wildcats have been drafted, but I'm guessing the "Dynamic Duo," of Joe & Tony Kley, will be sporting their Wildcat colors for someone else.  Joey & Tony.....Good luck and represent us well....And remember, "O'Doyle Rules!"

To the rest of the team....I had an absolute blast this year....After a brief, 12 year hiatus from baseball, I was extremely nervous to even attempt to try this again. You guys made it easy to be a part of this team. There isn't a better group of guys around to play with. From the old farts (T.J) all the way down to the voice cracking youngsters (Curtis), everyone was great.  I didn't intend to make this sound sappy, but when you get older, you appreciate stuff like this.  For you young bucks, you'll know what I'm talking about in 10 years :)

As for my retirement rumors:  I'm not gonna lie...This loss hurts. I can't be 100% committed to the off-season workouts. I just don't have it in me to go through another grueling season. Blah, blah, blah...Enough of the Brett Favre-like B.S.......I will be back for the 2009 Wildcats Season! We've got unfinished business, boys!

To get myself motivated for the upcoming season, I've already put a SERIOUS bet in place for next year. This year, in case you guys didn't notice, I came into camp a little bit "big boned." The last time I played, I was 3 inches shorter, and roughly 2 water softner salt bags lighter! Needless to say, I struggled a bit with the footwork. And the throwing....Poor T.J... I essentially pulled a Chuck Knoblauch and couldn't throw the ball home all season long in warm-ups; except for the last game! Anyway, back on track here...The bet I have in place is with Cully. If I don't drop a cool 40lbs by the start of next season, I have to buy all of Cully's adult beverages (after games & practices) during the months of April & May. I'm not quite sure what kind of a bet that is since Cully didn't bet me anything back, so we'll have to just let this one play out.  Cully, to make this fair, how about buying me 3 bottles of Grey Goose if I win? Fair enough? Let me know so we can schedule an official weigh-in.  Anyway, the bottom line is, if I don't drop the pounds, I'm going to have to take out a second mortgage on the house next Spring.

Lastly, to Hammer....Thanks for allowing me to handle the website and essentially letting me "do my thing" on here. I enjoy taking the photos and keeping this site up. I hope the rest of you enjoyed it as much as I did!  

It's time to wrap this up, especially since I don't think anyone reads this anyway :)

Take care all, and have a safe summer....See you all in the Spring!

Signing off from 2008.....



7/2/08 (Wildcats @ Hutchinson)

The Wildcats lost Wednesday @ Hutchinson, by a score of 7-1.  Steve Bisping got the start for the Wildcats throwing 6 innings. Hutchinson got all of their runs in 2 of the innings, but in those two innings, they struck big. Total game time was 2 hours, so that shows you that both team's pitching was efficient.

The Wildcats were also without a majority of our starting roster last night, including our management team. WTF? A none-League game and all of you "horses" say pee on it? Come on! In a nutshell, we were a team without an identity. No Hammer coaching, no Twatty chattering, no nothing!  Instead, I had to sit and watch "Machs" eat like 4.75lbs of sunflower seeds again!

So that left us with Marky Kohler running the show. Marky "Otis" Kohler handled the managerial duties very well. He still has to work on some of his baseball "lingo" such as "nobody's guarding you at first base" which really should have been "nobody's holding you at first base." He also brought Bisping & the infield together after a Luke Klitzke homerun, and lightened the mood by talking about the distance of that homerun! All in all, in his first coaching debut of the season, he was solid. 

The Wildcats only run came on a two out, RBI single, by your's truly. Yes, I smacked the sh*t out of it! I was all over it! Ok, Ok...It was a bloop single to centerfield. But a hit is a hit right? Alright, alright, that one may only count as half of a hit.

Last night's Irrelevant Game Award was:

Best Baseball Alias Name: Curtis Herbolsheimer got the start in CF last night. Marky's only error as a manager last night came when he didn't fill out the line-up card completely.  Marky entered "C. Herbolsheimer" on the line-up card leaving the PA Announcer hanging out to dry.  The PA Announcer, Dick Klitzke, improvised a bit. In each of Curtis's at-bats, he went from Chris Herbolsheimer to Chauncey Herbolsheimer to Chester Herbolsheimer to Carlos Herbolsheimer. Try saying those 5 times real fast!

Also, I am nominating myself, Matt Klitzke, for the Advil Pain Relief Award.... I played more innings last night than I basically have all season. I actually had to make a few plays in the field, including a dive attempt (that's one way of flattening out the gut)!  Let's just say I'm "hurting" a bit today. The cool part is, I have to sit here and listen to my wife make fun of the "Old Man" today! To Cully & Marky...Both of you each owe me a bottle of Advil! No questions asked...Just bring it Sunday...

- Wildcat28Guy


6/24/08 (Wildcats @ Green Isle)

The Wildcats picked up a big win Tuesday night, by defeating Green Isle 4-3 in 11 innings. Aaron Madsen took the hill for the Wildcats, throwing 9 fantastic innings and allowing 3 runs; all of which, were unearned. Infielders take note.....If we wouldn't have picked up the "W" last night, Madsen told me in between innings, that "he was going to go Dalton on you" (you know who you are).  He told me he had watched "Road House" prior to the game and was feeling "itchy." Madsen may be a little dude, but the guy can get "crazy" in an instant.  If it wasn't for the fielding mishaps, Green Isle would have been shut-out.

Cullen Schultz got the scoring started for the Wildcats, hitting a bomb to right-center field. If we would have been playing at St. Boni, Cully would have had 3 homers last night! After asking Cully what sparked his home run stroke tonight, Cully fully credited his success to his recent purchase of "The Gazelle!" Schultz also pitched the 10th & 11th innings, picking up the "W."  Getting back to that Tony Little dude....That guy just doesn't look right, does he?

The defensive star of the game was Mark Kohler. Marky made two Torii Hunter-like plays in centerfield, saving the Wildcats from a late inning collapse.  Quotes from Marky after the game about his two spectacular catches, "this game is just too easy," and "I wanna renegotiate my contract now!" No word on who Marky's agent is, but rumor has it, we can sign Mark until he's 40 years old for 3 suitcases of "Natty Ice" and a box of "Swisher Sweets." He drives a hard bargain.

Tonight's "Irrelevant Game Award" is:

How Not To Run Bases With The Game On The Line: This award, hands down, goes to Mark Kohler.  "You may run Hayes, but you catch like Fielder! Or you may run like Fielder, but catch like Hayes"...Whatever, I closed the Blue Note down last night, so I'm having trouble formulating sentences, AGAIN....Anywho, Marky simply forgot to slide into second base on a steal attempt and overshot the bag. It kind of looked like when an airplane runs out of runway space.  Fortunately for us, Mark was "safe" and all is well in "Wildcat Land."

- Wildcat28Guy


6/22/08 (Wildcats @ St. Boni)

The Wildcats went on the road today and defeated St. Boni, 8-0. Joe Kley threw a complete game, shutout for the Wildcats. The Wildcats cleaned up their defensive game overnight, making a number of "stellar" plays in the field (a good night at the Legion will always cure fielding woes).

Shawn Kohler and "cuz" Mark Kohler, each made stellar defensive plays. Shawn would have had two stellar defensive plays, but on one of them, he decided to "genuflect" on the way up, allowing the runner to eek out an infield hit.

The Wildcats also got the bats going a bit again. Leading the charge was Greg Kohler. Greg went "yard" with a blast to left centerfield.  And yes, he was swinging a "real" wood bat.  

Today's Irrelevant Game Award is:

Tough Guy Award: Jake Prehn walks away with the hardware this time.  Jake took a pitch off of the elbow today (funny bone), and proceeded to "borderline, "shriek like a girl" in the dugout. Check out the video evidence in our "video" section.  Just kidding, Jakey boy, I'm sure it really hurt ;)

Lastly, a big Happy Birthday goes out to our assistant skipper, Neil Schlagel. Neil wasn't in attendance today supposedly due to his "planned" b-day festivities. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say he wasn't here today because he's suffering from the effects of his Dominick Hasek-like kick save at home plate last night.  For those of you that saw it, you know what I'm talking about. I think he actually did the "splits!"

- Wildcat28Guy


6/21/08 (Wildcats vs Howard Lake Orphans

The Wildcats got their (insert profanity) handed to them tonight,by a score of 10-1. The Wildcats took an early 1-0 lead, but the game quickly got out of hand due to some fielding mishaps. Dan LaMott started the game for the Wildcats, with Steve Bisping and Neil Schlagel coming on in relief. The bats pretty much went silent after the first inning and that basically was all she wrote. We're hoping to bounce back tomorrow @ St. Boni. 

There will be no "Irrelevant Game Award" tonight. 

In place of the tonight's award, the Wildcats would like to send their condolences out to the family of Kenny "Fossil" Norman. Kenny passed away today at the age of 86.  Kenny's baseball insight and presence will be missed.

- Wildcat28Guy


6/20/08 (Wildcats vs Kimball Express)

The Wildcats defeated the Kimball Express Friday night, in the first round of the Howard Lake Tourney, 7-1. The Wildcats started off quick, scoring 4 runs in the first inning and didn't look back. Tony Kley gave the Wildcats another great pitching performance, allowing only 1 run in 7 innings (complete game). The Wildcats took advantage of some early Kimball pitching "woes" and managed to get a few timely hits with runners aboard. I'd like to go on and on about game highlights, but quite honestly, there weren't many, and I'm a wee-bit hungover (Thanks Dodge House ) today to continue spewing worthless sentences here. In all seriousness, the Wildcats played a "text-book" game, which at times, can be a little boring to watch.  It's a good thing we had Wroge in the dugout providing movie reviews for the team! Wroge, what was the name of that "crazy" movie you were talking about and what did the guy fry up and eat again?

Anyway, let's get down to business.....The "Irrelevant Game Award."  It's been a couple of weeks since I've been in attendance, but here goes....

Dugout Quote of the Game:  I'm proud to present last night's award to Mark Kohler. Otis previously received "honorable mention for the "Tough Guy Award" earlier this season, but couldn't quite bring the hardware home.  Last evening, he rose to the occasion and did what it takes to seize the award.  Marky, after watching his younger brother Greggy take strike three looking, said to the bench, "My brother is awesome!"  

- Wildcat28Guy


6/4/08 (Cologne @ Winsted)

The Wildcats defeated Cologne in Winsted this evening, by a score of 12-4.  The Wildcats started off a bit "slow" at the plate and in the field, but finally managed to get their act together late. 

Dan LaMott gave up a couple of hits early, but essentially from the 3rd inning on, was "lights out."  LaMott pitched a complete game, 15 strike-out gem, making this his strongest outing of the season.  Thatta boy, Danny!

Tony Kley did his best "Willie Mays Hayes" impression tonight, swiping four bases. It may have been more, but honestly, I quit watching him. I couldn't stand to watch him anymore. His leads and breaks on the ball were poor at best, and his overall speed needs some serious work.  Tony, I'm hosting a "speed clinic" in my backyard tomorrow night... I suggest you swing by! (Clarification....I didn't quit watching him....I simply was too "high" to pay attention anymore. Way too much "Deep Woods Off" was sprayed in the dugout this evening).

T.J Aalid was clutch in a pinch hitting situation late.  T.J gave the Wildcats a 2 run single to open the scoring flood gates.  I am not a coach or have any sort of managerial influence on this team, but LISTEN UP....I am laying down the law here. YOUNG GUYS (you runts know who you are), from this day forward, it is your DUTY to ensure that T.J is given a Hostess Apple Pie prior to the game. No questions asked.

And....For those who have been diligently waiting.....

Tonight's "Irrelevant Game Award" is.....

Best Use Of Profanity In A Sentence: Winning back to back awards is Cully Schultz. Cully didn't make an appearance into tonight's game until an 8th inning pinch hit attempt (See 6/1/08's award as to why he didn't play tonight). Cully was walked on 4 straight pitches, and was immediately yanked for a pinch runner.  After making it back to the dugout and once again, getting comfortable on the bench, Cully says "Well, that was f*#%@*& boring!" It's not about the content people...It's all about the delivery!

- Wildcat28Guy


6/1/08 (Winsted @ Watertown)

A great day for some baseball....The weather was perfect!  The flag in the outfield was as limp as a ......... Oops...Almost forgot what I was writing for! I've got to remember that this is a family show!

The Wildcats defeated the Red Devils by a score of 5-1 today.  The Wildcats benefitted from some great pitching by Joe Kley and some timely defensive plays to pull out the victory on enemy soil. Joe Kley pitched 8 innings of shutout ball.  His big brother Tony Kley, came on in the 9th, to wrap things up.  Watertown managed to manufacture one run in the bottom of the 9th, and threatened with more, but LF Mark "Otis" Kohler wasn't "having any of that," throwing out the runner at the plate to end the game.  I'm not going to go into details what happened after the game, but let's just say that Watertown's 3rd base coach went "Earl Weaver" on the ump!

Finally, game awards....Not sure where I'm going to go with this, but I'm going to try and create some irrelevant game award(s) after each game. Here goes:

Tough Guy Award : Unanimously goes to First Baseman Cullen Schultz.  Cully, I believe, hyper-extended both knees in a close play at first base. If he didn't hyper-extend them, well...He should have! Shortly thereafter, he was drilled in the elbow with a fastball. An inning or two later, he was hit in the back of the head by a foul ball in the dugout.  Cully, if you're reading this now, you shouldn't be.  Head to the Blue Note and fix yourself!

Honarable Mention:

  1. Matt Klitzke (Hit in head by an errant throw by fellow Wildcat Mark Kohler while sitting in the dugout).
  2. Mark Kohler (Linebacker-esque play while running out a ball at first base).

- Wildcat28Guy





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