Jul 27/24
11:45 am

Winsted Wildcats




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Posted Aug 8/09 - Wildcats Lose To Cards, 4-2

I'm going to first start off with, "holy friggin' hot!" 

I'm old and carry around a few extra "LB's" so naturally, I'm not a big fan of the heat. But you know it was hot when some of our "young buck" players were a little flushed in the face. I mean, for those that sat next to Greggy Kohler in the bleachers prior to the game (watching Brewers vs Bruins), we all thought he was going to have a stroke due to the heat. It was miserable.

As you know, parts of MN received extreme levels of rain Friday & Friday night. Glencoe recorded 6+ inches of rain at the ballpark. Brewers staff arrived early at the park on Saturday morning to find their field essentially underwater. The water in LF was supposedly 10+ inches deep. Knowing where their field is situated (near Crow River), myself and a lot of other people thought there was absolutely no way we were playing those games today. Well, they proved us all wrong. The only reason those games were played today was because of some hard work and team work by the City of Glencoe, Glencoe Fire Department and the Brewer organization. The Winsted Wildcats organization recognizes this hard work and thanks all for their efforts.

Now to the ballgame....

We lost! #&$%!

Okay...I got that out of my system....

This was one of those classic playoff games where both teams played great baseball. The Wildcats started off the scoring in the bottom of the 1st, but the Cardinals answered right back in the top of the 3rd. There's really not much else to say other than that. They had an answer to everything we did today. They simply had our number and took it to us today.

Game Awards....

Due to the extreme heat experienced today, my brain has overheated and I am no longer able to string together anymore coherent sentences. Actually, that's just my nice way of saying "if we wouldn't have lost, I'd be issuing "Game Awards" instead of writing this explanation. Win tomorrow and I'll issue more awards! It's kind of like, "why don't you eat up and I'll tell you!"

I'm outtie...

- Wildcat28Guy


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