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Winsted Wildcats




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Posted Aug 30/09 - Wildcats Throttle Lamberton, 14-1

I know we've got a long ways to go to complete our 2009 goal yet, but "Holy Knights of Columbus," was that an awesome display of pitching and hitting today!  

The Wildcats pounded the Lamberton Long Sox today by a score of 14-1. The Wildcats were led by starting pitcher Mike Mueller (Hamburg Hawks draftee). Mikey threw 8 solid innings, allowing 5 scattered hits and 1 unearned run. Mikey also intiated 167 conversations with himself out on the mound today (nobody answered back). Mikey never really got into trouble out on the mound and the few times Lamberton tried to get things brewing, the Wildcats "D" saved the day. Tony Kley pitched the 9th inning, striking out the side. That's just how TK rolls.

About the Wildcats hitting....I'm gonna be honest here....It stunk. I mean, we left 10 runners on-base! You can't win games when you're leaving.......Just messin' around here! The Wildcats pounded out 16 hits, 3 of which, were Home Runs. Home Runs were hit by Joe Kley (AKA - "Baby Jesus", "St. Joe"), Greg Kohler (AKA "Gweg, Gweggy) and Mark Kohler (AKA Otis). I'm sure this has probably happened before in MN State Baseball Tourney history with the amount of siblings that have played in this class, but I am going to ignore any previous records and declare that Mark & Greg Kohler are the 1st "brothers" combo to hit homers in the same inning during Minnesota State Baseball Tourney play. Congrats Kohlers! Tony "TK" Kley chipped in with 4 hits and player/coach Aaron Schultz (our poor, poor, poor man's version of Pete Rose) also added 2 hits.

And now (insert drum roll) The Game Awards:

The Balco Laboratories & Jose Canseco Publishing Long Ball Award go to: Joe Kley, Mark Kohler & Greggy Kohler.  You guys are strong.....And cool...

The Don Pablos "Sombrero" Award goes to: Curtis Herbolscheimer. Curtis recorded 3 strikeouts today to earn himself the "sombrero." Curtis, I honestly had a sombrero in the trunk of my car today. I'll bring it to Friday's game. You'll have to take warm-ups with it on. Hammer said. And I will be getting a picture of that for this site.

The Southwest Airlines "Need to Get Away" Award goes to: Ben Machemehl.  For those that don't know, Benny is the team's base running version of "Willie Mays Hayes. Benny advanced safely to second but later decided he was going to try and advance to third on a ball hit directly to the shortstop. Benny was out by a mile at 3rd and Coach Schultz showed unbelievable restraint by not "throat punching" Benny as he walked by the 3rd base coaches box. Get em' next time, Hayes!

The Bauer Hockey Equipment Award goes to Cullen "Cully" Schultz...This is a brand spanking new award for the Wildcats. Representatives of Bauer Hockey were present at today's game and noticed Cully was using a 15 year old middle infielders glove at 1st base. Their direct quote was, "If  #25 is playing 3rd for the Wildcats next game, you're going to need a goalie's glove." Cully isn't sure if he'll be able to break in the glove by Friday. The glove is currently at Detz's house getting the "treatment" (10W30, oven, urine, and more 10W30). For those that don't know, "Detz" is a glove master and nobody does a glove better than Detz.

Wildcats State Tourney Stat Line: Wildcats have scored 25 runs in 3 games but have only allowed opponents 2 runs in 3 games. Impressive. Really friggin' impressive!

Last but not least...The entire Wildcats team wants to thank the fans for their unbelievable support at the game today. It is great looking up and seeing and hearing all of you up there! We expect even more noise and rowdiness next Friday night. Bring your "A" game fans!






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