Domain Names

Get your own domain name at for only $30 US per year.

This will allow you to:

  • Forward your domain name to any other page (specifically your web page)
  • Get email addresses such as and have emails forwarded to those individual's email accounts.

To create your domain name, start by checking if your domain name is available by entering it here:


If you already own a domain name you can:

RENEW your domain name, click here.
TRANSFER your domain name to, click here
MANAGE your domain name, click here.

NOTE: Domain names can be renewed at any time. If your domain is approaching its expiry date, the administrative and billing contacts of your domain will be emailed a reminder notification that the domain needs to be renewed before and if applicable, after the expiry date.
Once the domain name expires, there is a short grace period in which you can renew at the regular rate. Once the grace period has passed, there will be a $125USD domain restoration fee that is processed and charged by DomainPeople directly in cases where a gTLD domain has been deleted but may still be restored at the Registry. If you are unable to renew a domain and believe the grace period may have passed, please contact Domain People at support[at]