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Socastee Braves




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Posted Apr 25/12 - IT IS TIME
Players, it's the playoffs and it is time to step up.  

This is what you have been practicing for and working hard for since last November.  


You are a TEAM, you have been playing together for a long time, in some cases for years.  You know each others strengths and each others weaknesses - help each other - accept your team mates help and he will accept yours when you give it.  We will not win a single game if we don't truly believe in each other and have each others back.  Don't try to do it all yourself, know (and I mean truly believe it from the very bottom of your heart) that if you miss a ball, fail to hit, give up a run - it doesn't matter because your team mates will be there to bail you out, and you will be there to bail them out when they need it.  

Know that you are good,  and good teams perform when it counts.  You have won 17 games, you only gave up an average of 3 runs a game, you scored an average of 6+ runs per game  - that is almost a run per inning (remember that you didn't hit 7 times in many games because we were home team and a few other times we won in less innings due to the mercy rule - yeah like the time we kicked St James butt).  You can play with anyone - go out and do it !  You don't need me or mom/dad or coach to tell you.  Believe it.  Go out and play to your ability and everything will take care of itself.  The only thing you control is doing your best.  DO IT, and don't make excuses.  

It doesn't matter that the umpire stinks, it doesn't matter that the other team got a good player halfway  through the season, it doesn't matter that you didn't get to hit in practice, it doesn't matter weather your coach yelled, it doesn't matter if your coach was  silent, it doesn't matter if the coach folds his arms and stares at the ground all day - you are the ones playing, you are the ones with the talent, you are the ones that can get yourself ready,  you are the ones that are going to win!  Win despite all that! In the words of Coach Bennett, BE A DOG!  

Put everything behind you and just go out there and play!  Play like you can.  Play hard, Have Fun and everything will take care of itself.  

To all of you, but especially for the seniors, allow me to suggest a motto  "Believe, DLIE"  - 

which stands for "Believe, Don't Let it End"  

Let's keep this season going until May 18...............


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