Jun 7/24
3:02 am

Las Vegas Outfitters



Las vegas


2009 League Rules
*** unless otherwise stated MLB rules will apply ***

I. Basic Game Rules

a. Game Length
i. Pro Division = 9 inning Games.
ii. No new inning after 3hrs.

b. Forfeits

i. Teams need at least 7 players in order to start a game.

ii. Teams may not delay the start of a game to wait for additional players, if they have the minimum amount on hand.

iii. There is a 15 minute grace period to wait on players if a team does not have the minimum.

iv. Teams that have less than 9 players will automatically be assigned outs for those missing players. Teams may NOT negotiate this prior to the start of a game.

v. If a team does not have the minimum amount of players after the 15 minute grace period, that team will forfeit the game. The score will be 7-0, and the forfeiting team will be responsible for paying both umpires (forfeit fee). Forfeit fee must be paid prior to the start of the next game.

.Mercy Rule

i. 9 inning game= 15 runs after 5 innings; 12 runs after 6 innings; 10 runs after 7 innings.

ii. 7 inning game= 15 runs after 4 innings, 10 runs after 5 innings.

II. Roster & Lineups

Roster Submission & Guidelines
i. The following information must be submitted on ALL players: a) $10 annual fee (administrative costs), b) Waiver Form, c) Sportsmanship Form, d) Player/Team Contracts.

ii. There is no maximum roster size per team.

iii. Players may be added to a roster at any point of the season.

iv. New player notification must be made 48 priors to the next game, and all required documentation must be provided.

v. Players must play on a team for a minimum of 4 games to be considered playoff eligible.

vi. Player contracts are valid for one CALENDAR year (spring and fall seasons). In order to switch teams for this calendar year, a player must be officially dropped by his team.

vii. Winter/Summer seasons are considered “open” rosters, and players need not be dropped by their team to participate in these seasons, however they must return to their original team in the Spring/Fall.

viii. Player trades are allowed. All trades must be reported to league officials. Traded players must approve all trades.

ix. Players may play in multiple divisions (Elite, Pro). Exception: Elite players may not play in Rookie Division.

Lineup rules

i. Offensive lineups may be unlimited in size.

ii. Defensive substitutions are open, and need not be reported.

iii. Late arriving, or non-starting players may be inserted to the BOTTOM of the lineup at any time.

iv. If a player leaves early, and there is no replacement for him, his lineup spot becomes an automatic out. (exception: injury.) For example, a team starts the game with 12 batter in it's lineup. The #8 batter must leave early to go to work. If there are no reserves available to take his spot, the #8 spot in the lineup will become an automatic out.

v. Courtesy Runners: Pro Division = 3 players + catcher. Courtesy runner MUST be last batted out. Non runners must be listed on the lineup card. Courtesy runner must be put in PRIOR to the first pitch of the at-bat.

vi. If a pitcher comes out of the game, he may reenter as a pitcher one (1) time.

vii. All players must be listed on the lineup card. Non-starts must be listed as reserves. If a player is not in attendance at the start of the game, he MUST be listed as a reserve to be eligible to play when he arrives.

III. Sportsmanship

i. Fighting, taunting, excessive foul language is not permitted in the league. Penalties may include suspensions, including permanent removal from the league.

ii. Players that are ejected from a game are subject to an automatic one game suspension by the league. Appeals are allowed.

iii. Plays at the plate: Base runners must slide, run around the catcher, or give themselves up at the plate. Catchers are allowed to block the plate. Runners who do not follow these rules will be ruled out, and may be ejected from the game.

iv .Players may not purposely run through second or third base. Runners that run through the base and into (or in the direction of) a fielder will be ruled out and possibly ejected from the game. Umpires may decide to rule a double play if they feel that interference has occurred.

v. Players may not physically touch or threaten any umpire. Player will be subject to ejection from the game, an automatic 6 game ejection, and possible removal from the league.

vi. Umpires may eject any player from any game at their sole discretion.

vii. Any threats against league officials will result in an automatic 4 game suspension and possible removal from the league.

viii. Teams are responsible for the conduct of their fans. Fans that excessively taunt, threaten physical violence, or are involved in physical altercations with any member of the league will be asked to leave the field. If they don’t leave, the umpire may declare a forfeit against the offending team.

ix. Teams must track down foul balls and homeruns. If an umpire deems that a team is not meeting their obligation, and runs out of baseballs, he may declare a forfeit against the offending team.

IV. Competitive Divisions

a. Elite Division: The top competitive division in the league. This is mainly for former high school and college players, and for the more competitive teams. The league has the final say on who is allowed into this league, although current team manager approval may be obtained for certain teams. This is also the most expensive division in the league as they will have first access to High School fields.

b. Pro Division: The middle competitive division in the league. This is for teams not yet ready for the Elite division, and for players who are returning to the game, or not quite as skilled as those in the Elite Division. High performing teams may be asked to be moved to the Elite Division.

c. Rookie Division: This is the lowest competitive division in the league. It is for newer teams and players who are either new to the game or who are returning after a long layoff. Elite Division players will not be eligible to play on Rookie Division teams. High Performing teams may be asked to move to the Pro Division.

V. Team Uniforms

a. All teams must have matching uniform tops.

b. All players must be assigned a uniform #, and the # must appear in the back of that players uniform.

c. There will be a 3 week grace period for uniform requirements. All teams must have uniforms by week #4.

d. Should a new player join a team they will have a 3 week period to obtain a team uniform. After the 4th week, they must have a uniform.

e. The penalty for non-uniforms will be ineligibility to play. Players must have uniforms to play.

VI. College Slide Rule

a. The intent of the force-play-slide rule is to ensure the safety
of all players. This is a safety and an interference rule. Whether the defense could have completed the double play has no bearing on the applicability of this rule. This rule pertains to a force-play situation at any base, regardless of the number of outs.

b. On any force play, the runner must slide on the ground before the
base and in a direct line between the two bases. It is permissible for
the slider's momentum to carry him through the base in the baseline

Exception—A runner need not slide directly into a base as long as the
runner slides or runs in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or altering the play of the fielder. Interference shall not be

(1) "On the ground" means either a head-first slide or a slide with one
leg and buttock on the ground before the base.

(2) "Directly into a base" means the runner's entire body (feet, legs,
trunk and arms) must stay in a straight line between the bases.

c. Contact with a fielder is legal and interference shall not be called if
the runner makes a legal slide directly to the base and in the baseline

d. Actions by a runner are illegal and interference shall be called if:
(1) The runner slides or runs out of the base line in the direction of the
fielder and alters the play of a fielder (with or without contact);

(2) The runner uses a rolling or cross-body slide and either makes
contact with or alters the play of a fielder;

(3) The runner's raised leg makes contact higher than the fielder's knee
when in a standing position;

(4) The runner slashes or kicks the fielder with either leg; or

(5) The runner illegally slides toward or contacts the fielder even if the
fielder makes no attempt to throw to complete a play.

PENALTY for 1-5—(1) With less than two outs, the batter-runner, as well
as the interfering runner, shall be declared out and no other
runner(s) shall advance.

(2) With two outs, the interfering runner shall be declared out and
no other runner(s) shall advance.

(3) If the runner's slide or collision is flagrant, the runner shall be
ejected from the contest.

A.R.—If the bases are loaded with no outs, a double-play attempt is made, and interference is called, all other runners must return to their original bases.


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